
do you ever feel, like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind

another great rs article

stop using plastic bags please

let them eat cake

(not undeserved) harsh article by rolling stone's matt taibbi on america's gaping class divide

he refers to david sirota's piece and this 2009 nytimes article


plastic prada

photography: craig mcdean
styling: karl templer

face hair

what your beard says about you
great article from yesterday's times. alex williams

vladimir vladimirovich, you are the best!

happy birthday putin


Los Angeles, 1992: “No banging Just hanging together Bloods and Crips together”

in response to gang violence, and the ‘not guilty’ verdict in the trial of police officers accused of beating Rodney King. (above pictures 1982-84)
Image by © Joseph Sohm/Visions of America/Corbis



bit more of vic


beautiful day without you

the suicide

lo essencial es invisible a los ojos

dijo el zorro–he aquí mi secreto. es muy simple: no se ve bien sino con el corazón. lo esencial es invisible a los ojos


1946 Japan

images by Horace Bristol

language of legs

vintage playboy magazine spread meant to aid any man in decoding a woman's personality by the way she sits.

philanthropist (legs open): warm, easygoing and good humored, she's comfortable with herself and everyone else. This romantic has a lot to give and she gives it freely. But don't try to tie her down–she's a lover of all men.

so ahead of its time


hunter s. thompson

"i hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me. "

meat on the pole not on your plate

Portland, OR: world's first vegan strip club

graffiti bike

(photos by victor vauthier)

london: spray action controlled by brakes

and the beat goes on

peter orlovsky allen ginsburg

jack kerouac

the original hipsters

throwing up glitter

Confetti Death

Miami 's TYPOE

things that inspire him in order of importance:
shiny things
southern gangster rap

land of the peaches

Joy Phrasavath

Paper Twins

Mike Germon

street art by some of our lovely friends directly north.

feeling fucking good

(new orleans)

you know when you're sitting, naked, in a giant, crusty, steel skillet on wheels, mid-day, on a sticky mississippi afternoon in august, sweat cleaning the dirt off your stomach in long crooked lines and your face feels like it's about ready to be sliced and served, then you hear that beautiful, low steady hiss and 2 minutes later you're flying through a swamp at 60mph, beads of sweat herded to the back of your arms, legs, and neck right before they're vaporized, dragon flies stuck in your hair and you can't stop smiling like an idiot?

--about his photo "Feeling Fucking Good" (not pictured above)

He'll be displaying some work at Living Walls: The City Speaks Conference in Atlanta in August